Background Work + Push Notifications


Background Work

The Android SDK includes a foreground service that enables your application to continue running when it’s not in the foreground (i.e. it’s in the background). It will remain active from Zello.connect() until Zello.disconnect().

This service is required for your app to work when it’s in the background. If background operation is not necessary—or if you have your own foreground service—you can disable the SDK’s foreground service using the Zello.configure() method.

Additionally, the SDK will display a notification prompting the user to disable battery optimizations.

Push Notifications

To send push notifications to Android devices via the SDK, Zello uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Push notifications are used differently for direct contacts and channels:

Enabling/Disabling Push Notifications

If you’d like to push notifications on your Android application, first add FCM to your project. Then, email your FCM server key to [email protected]. This key will be securely stored on Zello’s servers, and will allow us to send your users push notifications.

Alternatively, if you currently have push notifications enabled in the SDK and would like to disable them, opt out using the Zello.configure() method.


Background Work

Please see the iOS Getting Started guide for project setup.

Push to Talk Framework Setup

Please see the iOS Getting Started Guide for project setup.

Push Notifications

Please see the iOS Getting Started Guide for project setup.

Zello uses Apple’s servers to deliver push notifications. Please email your APN key to [email protected] to enable push notifications for your network. The APN key will be securely stored on our servers.

Last updated